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  • Destenie Nock

Postdoctoral Opportunity: Ridehailing Service Equity Under Disaster Conditions

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

April 7, 2021

Post-doctoral Fellow Hiring Announcement

Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021


Project Description

Ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft can provide valuable transportation services during disasters (i.e. COVID), or could exacerbate social inequities if not deployed equitably. The post-doctoral fellow will investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected ridesharing service availability across low and high-income as well as minority communities.

This project will (1) leverage historical data and apply econometric methods to estimate the causal impact of Uber and Lyft market entry on wages and transit ridership during normal circumstances and the effect of rare changes in local policy and COVID-19 disruptions on operations and the distribution of riders served; (2) characterize demographic and geographic patterns of drivers and passengers that use ride-hailing services in Pittsburgh, Chicago and Austin, as well as shifts in other transit modes; and (3) use simulation and optimization models to identify economic and policy incentives that could encourage efficient and equitable outcomes. This holistic, equity-focused investigation will be focused on responses to rare events (including COVID-19 and city evacuations).

Core responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring project deliverables are achieved

  • Leading manuscript writing for publication in scientific journals

  • Gathering and analyzing data in R or Python

  • Mentoring and assisting graduate students in research

How to Apply and Deadlines

Interested applicants should apply to by April 25, 2021 (extended from April 20th) using the following link:

Desired skills for the post-doctoral fellow include, but are not limited to, experience in transportation data analysis and python programming, strong analytical skills, and strong communication and project management skills. Applicant must be able to start in June 2021, and must have a doctorate degree in related field at the time of starting this position. Experience in python and/or R is preferred. This is a one-year position.

Additional benefits to the post-doctoral fellow include mentoring and receiving professional development training by two faculty members in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The post-doctoral fellow will join a team of seven researchers, and be expected to lead two papers during their time at Carnegie Mellon.

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