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Dr. Destenie Nock

Dr. Destenie Nock is a Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering as well as Engineering & Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. In her role as the director of the SPICE (Society, Policy, Infrastructure, Climate and Energy) Group she leads a team of researchers at the intersection of social justice, energy analysis, and systems modeling.

The energy justice side of her research team is developing novel metrics for identifying those experiencing energy poverty and insecurity, as well as develop optimization models for designing a more equitable power systems. The systems modeling side of her group is developing electricity and transportation optimization and simulation models which investigate how decarbonization and sustainable energy transitions impact vulnerable and marginalized communities.  


Beyond her applied research program, Dr. Nock is the CEO of Peoples Energy Analytics, an energy justice based spin out focused on energy justice and using data analytics to identify energy poor households, while improving revue recovery of utilities.  She is also the Chief Sustainability officer of DevvStream. A company that investments in carbon mitigation projects.


Dr. Nock is a recipient of multiple National Science Foundation awards, a Google Innovation Grant, and a Scott Institute for Energy Innovation Fellow.  Dr. Nock is available to speak at technical and civic functions. 

She is also the creator of the Black Electricity Blog which offers college and graduate school advice, research updates, and motivational posts.

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Looking for cutting edge research about energy poverty, energy transitions, and energy insecurity?


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